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Films about the Middle East

Several documentaries about the Middle East present cold facts and offer little hope for the future. Many films about the Middle East have been criticized for presenting some sort of slant, either hidden or extremely apparent. This film’s objective is to present another side of Israel. There are happy people in the Middle East – they have goals they aspire to and they are much like their western counterparts. “Blues by the Beach” a Joshua Faudem film, is as real as it gets for a film about the Middle East and modern day Israel.

Blues by the Beach Independent Film

"Blues by the Beach" has been featured at several film festivals, and has earned several accolades for its honest and raw approach to its material. The Blues by the Beach independent film is unique in that it started as one project before it morphed into an entirely different one. It effectively captures the before, during and after of a suicide bombing, presenting a comprehensive eyewitness account to its viewers. The experience is chilling, and you should not miss out on "Blues by the Beach".

Blues by the Beach Film Awards

Blues by the Beach has won awards for its presentation of the events at Mike's Place on April 30, 2003. It stands out as one of the most captivating films about the Middle East in a long time. Awards include:

The Blues by the Beach documentary special new edition 2 disc DVD can be purchased at CreateSpace and Amazon.com. The Video Download of the film is available at EZTakes.

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Website design by Carlos F. Meneses